Welcome to District 14! We are glad you are here. We are comprised of 60+ groups in Gainesville, Alachua, High Springs and the surrounding area.
For information on District events or to get involved, please contact our DCM at dcm@aagainesville.org
District’s monthly meeting is held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1521 NW 34th Street, Gainesville.
District 14 is part of the U.S. and Canada A.A. Service Structure, and is located within Area 14 (aanorthflorida.org).
Accessibilities Committee
The Accessibilities Committee brings AA meetings to underserved communities, shares literature and AA conference-approved digital resources, and educates AA’s on how to remove barriers to the message in District 14.
We meet the third Thursday of the month, at 6:00pm the Triangle Club, 1005 SE 4th Avenue, Gainesville.

Archives Committee
Collects oral histories, group histories and preserve materials related to the origins and development of AA within District 14 in order to provide a context for understanding AA’s progression, principles, and traditions. The Archives Committee also works closely with the chairperson of the annual Founders Day event.
Archives Committee meets 6:30pm the first Tuesday of every month at the Triangle Club, 1005 SE 4th Avenue, Gainesville

Corrections Committee
The primary mission of the Corrections Committee is to carry the AA message to incarcerated individuals. The committee assists interested individuals with the application/approval process to enter correctional institutions for the purpose of holding AA meetings.
We meet the third Tuesday of the month @ 6pm @ the Triangle Club, 1005 SE 4th Avenue, Gainesville. Everyone is welcome.
For questions and general information please contact the corrections chair at corrections@aagainesville.org

Interested in bringing an AA meeting into a Florida State Prison? We currently bring meetings into Lake Butler Reception and Medical (1:00pm on Thursdays) and Cross City CI and are always looking for volunteers.
If those times don’t work for you, don’t worry. With more volunteers, we have the opportunity to start a meeting later in the day. At present, these meetings are men-only.
Interested in bringing an AA meeting into the Alachua County Jail? We currently bring in men’s meetings on Mondays at 3:00pm, and women’s meetings on Wednesdays at 3:00pm and Thursdays at 6:00pm.
CPC/PI Committee
Cooperation with the Professional Community/Public Information (CPC/PI) reaches the alcoholic by informing both the general public about the AA program and professionals whose work involves the active alcoholic. A member of the CPC/PI committee is prepared to meet any group of individuals that would like information about what AA is and what it is not.
The CPCPI Committee meets on the second Thursday of the month @ 8:30pm via Zoom. For access to the meeting or for more information, please contact our representative at cpcpi@aagainesville.org.

Grapevine Committee
The AA Grapevine is the international journal of
Alcoholics Anonymous. Written, edited, illustrated, and
read by AA members and others interested in the AA
program of recovery. It is often referred to as our
“meeting in print” and is a lifeline linking one alcoholic
to another. The Grapevine Representative (GVR)
encourages groups to submit stories, artwork, jokes,
and spread the word about Grapevine’s new services,
books, subscriptions and products. Committee
members may also set up displays at District functions
and other events held in District 14.
Our Committee
Meets the first Monday of every month at 6:30 pm at the
Triangle Club, 1005 SE 4th Ave. Gainesville, all are
For questions and general information please contact
the grapevine chair at grapevine@aagainesville.org
Please visit the Grapevine Links below to explore more
about the Grapevine to learn more about becoming a
GVR, shopping or subscription new or renewal and
submitting stories.

Literature Committee
Informs groups and members of literature available and helps maintain literature racks as needed.
Meets the first Monday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Triangle Club, 1005 SE 4th Ave. Gainesville.

Treatment Committee
Coordinates meetings taken into treatment facilities, and encourages individual and group participation in treatment-facility meetings. For more information, contact treatment@aagainesville.org
Meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 5:45pm at the Triangle Club, 1005 SE 4th Avenue, Gainesville

Please mail check or money order for contributions for District 14 to: North Florida District 14 4111 NW 16th Blvd. P.O. Box 357254 Gainesville, FL 32605-9998

Structures and Guidelines
District 14 Structures and Guidelines are available here. District committees serve the local A.A. community by carrying the message into treatment centers, correctional facilities, and to recovering alcoholics with special accessibility needs. Other committees ensure cooperation with the professional community (especially the judicial system and medical communities), distribute A.A. literature, promote The Grapevine (A.A.'s "meeting in print") and maintain an archive of local A.A. history.